
Wednesday, August 7, 2024

New Dolls of 2023

Ramsons creates new dolls for every new edition of Bombe Mane. This year (2023) Raghu Dharmendra has designed unique Navarasa dolls which were created as lathe-turned wooden lacquerware dolls. Navarasa (nine emotions) are different emotions that a dance artiste has to emote during his/her performance in the classical Indian dance and it was codified by Bharata in his Natyashastra. 

Each doll has been designed like a Bharatanatya dancer girl with her hair in a topknot. The Sun and Moon hair ornaments and the Odyana (waist band) are designed as Mysore style jewellery. The saree with the front open-fan-like frills mimic the typical Bharatanatya dance costume. Colours of the sarees symbolise respective Rasa (emotion).

Shringara - Love, Adoration

Hasya - Humour, Comedy

Karuna - Sorrow, Compassion

Raudra - Anger

Veera - Valour, Courage

Bhaya - Terror, Fear

Beebhatsa - Disgust

Adbhuta - Wonder

Shanta - Peace

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