
Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Special Display 2023 - Jagadaanandakaaraka

Special Display 2023 - Jagadaanandakaaraka

The juggernaut of triple chariots ‘Nandighosha’ carrying Jagannatha, ‘Taladhwaja’ carrying Balabhadra and ‘Darpadalana’ carrying Subhadra had rumbled into our special display named ‘Jagadaanandakaaraka’. The title means a person who While the actual Puri Jagannatha Rathayatra is witnessed by lakhs of human devotees, here at Bombe Mane, it was witnessed by entire creation including the birds who rule the air, animals that have claimed the land and fish that trawl the waters. Everyone is offering worship to Jagannatha - the Lord of the world.

The avian creatures were led by Gandabherunda, the marine animals were led by Matsya Narayana while the land animals were led by the fantastical creature - Navagunjara which is an incarnation of Lord Jagannatha himself. Miniature versions of the triple Rathas were specially commissioned for this diorama. Few of the famous shringaras, offered to Jagannatha at his abode, were recreated like Bada Shingar, Sona Besha, Padma Besha and Nagarjuna Besha. All these creatures including the Jagannatha Balabhadra Subhadra and their Rathas were created out of wood by the artists at Bhubaneshwar.




The Vimanas within the Ratha were exact wooden miniature replicas of the ones which are housed within the gigantic Rathas including the colourful cloth applique coverings, festoons, flags, standards and canopies. These were created by the artisans at Pipili who work on the actual Rathas of Jagannatha.

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